Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Psych...replacement of food

Wow its been a while since I have written anything, probably because of school and work combo it makes it difficult to have any sort of life and then to add hobbies well thats almost impossible. I recently have been trying to find my niche again. It seems that I haven't been doing bad or anything I am just not really moving forward. I still will get a work out in every now and again and have been eating a pretty well balanced diet but there are times when I just don't care enough, so in essence I am not gaining weight I am just not loosing weight I think I am maintaining it.

So I started to ask myself how I go from just a few good decisions to a complete life style change that helps me to fit into a "kim kardasian" skin tight dress and feel pretty amazing. The weird thing is I realized that eating right and fitting exercise into your life is easy the hard part is the psychology of it all. The hard part is caring enough about yourself. I found recently during finals that I paid close attention to my bad habits rising up. I find that I tend to eat these "Yummy" foods when I am stressed, bored, or want to de-stress after a long day. What make me say, "fuck it, I had a hard ass day and I want to eat something yummy like cookies, and yes the entire box." ??? Why does food relax me and make me feel better by filling me up LITERALLY filling me up??? Maybe its the same thing that alcoholics do by having a beer after a hard day at work.

So now that I have realized that food relaxes me and fills me up I guess the answer to solve all my problems is to replace that need to be relaxed and filled up with something else besides food. I mean we all now what we have to do, we have been given thousands upon thousands of tips and tricks to help loose weight but I think the real issue to get over the hump and stay on a life style choice of healthy is to find that something the gives me the same so called "satisfaction" with out the guilt later that food gives me now. What will be this replacement? I have asked a really good friend to help me find this answer. If anyone seems to have ideas please feel free to comment. I will be talking to my friend tonight so stayed tuned for what this replacement will be.
See you all on the flip side buh bye.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

and the motivation continues...

On tuesday after work I went for a work out it wasn't the best work out but at least I got one in...first I couldn't find parking to save my life at the gym after circling around for about 15 minutes I finally ended up on the other side of the center, but when I was in the gym it was sooo crowed that I actually had to wait to use a treadmill or any other machine, and once you were on it you had to get off because there is a 20 min time limit when people are waiting.
Guess I will just have to wait it out until march when everyone stops going (the post new years resolution). Just proves to myself how committed I am.

As far as the food front I have eliminated soda and took what I had in cookies to work for everyone else to finish. Its some what difficult after work outs because you always seem to be so hungry afterwords but it seems to end up ok because after I shower I find that I am not starving like I was before. 

Now I just need to keep this motivation once I start school next week because I know getting home late after class will make it difficult to get up early to go to the gym. 

Today was the first work out that I used the weights so I know I will be sore but a great sore the kind that makes you smile because you realize you have muscles in parts of your body that you never new existed. 

Plans for the rest of the week are to work out more and longer. 
Chao bellas (with an awesome italian accent)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A New Year, A New Me

Hello again....I know its been about 6 months since I have last posted but I was kinda sorta in a funk. I have now regained my strength and will begin this weight loss challenge again.

I know that most of the time I tend to start things but always for the wrong reasons in which I loose my way about half way through the challenge. I feel as though this time it will be different. Why? Well because before when I started this blog I was doing it for myself but I know now that deep down I was doing for him...I think I thought that if I lost weight I would be happier and thereby help the relationship that was already falling apart. In reality I wasn't completely doing it for myself and many have explained that good habits can only be formed when its for yourself and no one else.

With the help of great friends and amazing family I have been able to get through these last 6 months with out completely falling apart. I realize now that after loosing my best friend, boyfriend, and love of my life nothing could be worse than loosing myself.

I have been thinking lately that I wanted to start this blog again to keep my sanity while I struggle through the battle of cravings for pounds of sugar and my horrible habit of putting cheese on everything. If you know me really well you know that I have cheese in just about every meal and not just any cheese the good cheese sharp cheddar. YUMMY!!! my mom has told me sometimes you have to keep sane by talking about food all the time.

So as I was contemplating starting this blog and figuring out how and when I would start working out again (as I have already started changing my food habits)  I got an email from none other than LA Fitness which stated WE WANT YOU BACK, no fees and only 29.99 a month. So I took it as a sign that it was time to stop thinking about this and take action.

Today I went to the gym joined again and got in a work out!! I'm feeling great!!!

If you plan on following this please help me to keep me on my toes ask me questions etc. I really want this time to be successful and I have no other hidden agendas because its clear that there is no one in my life that I am doing this for but myself. Check back soon for some more updates.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 1

Hello Everyone....First I would like to start off by sharing why I am doing this Blog. I once came across this website that was all about motivation, how to get something accomplished and how to stick with it. One of the KEY factors in staying motivated is through positive pressure an example of positive pressure is a blog. The reason positive pressure works so well is because whatever it is you are trying to accomplish will actually get done because you are being held accountable for your accomplishments through the power of others. This blog is to help me stay motivated to loss weight and get healthy. I will be posting my accomplishments once to twice a week on here so that people I know and love will hold me accountable for my accomplishments. It would suck to say for example that I am unable to post any new accomplishments or if someone I know saw me sitting around eating something terrible when they know I'm in the middle of this weight loss challenge. With that being said today is DAY 1.

Day one is probable the easiest day when you are trying to accomplish something because you motivated by the idea that this is going to work that this time is going to be different. However as time progresses you will slowly go back to your old ways because you will start to loose that "idea" you had, instead of gaining your accomplishments. I'm hoping this blog will help me get through that slump period where you start loosing motivation and your spirit starts to crumble because the scale and your body aren't changing fast enough.

I rejoined the gym today...$109...later and I'm back with LA Fitness. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a trainer because that is the plan when you start with this gym you get a free fitness assessment. I was already introduced to the trainer when the salesmen was looking at his calender, he is a very fit cute guy with muscles, although what was I suppose to except from a trainer. In any case I'm so nervous to hang out with this guy because well....I do want him to see just how out of shape I am. However, I told myself that this is the time to use what he knows, gain his ideas for a great workout that I can get the most out of, don't be embarrassed because this is his job to train people I'm sure he doesn't want to give a fitness assessment to someone who is in great shape because they probably wont ever want to use him again because they already know great workouts. Anyways after I was finished I decided to get in a workout, it was difficult mostly because it has been a while and a few pounds more since I last worked out. Only stayed for about 30 minutes working on one of those stair climber things where it feels like your walking in sand. (sorry I have no clue what its called, but it sure makes me sweat like crazy and works my legs and butt) After I did the workout on that machine I figured I didn't want to push myself too hard to were I wouldn't want to come back so I left to go home and eat lunch (which was a salad by the way) I've stayed full and its a wonderful feeling to get a work out in and to be eating healthy. I just hope this feeling lasts.

Thanks to those of you who read this its very important to me that I have people who care about me follow me through this adventure so I will be able to stay motivated!!! Feel free to leave comments (either here or facebook) and/or any good tips you may have such as a good recipe or exercise you love.

Bye for now